Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I began my first day in the machine shop with Gordon. I have been in there for the previous two terms making a belt grinder. It is a unique type of grinder that allows for use in making consistent edges or beveled grinds. It uses a series of wheels and pulleys to spin a belt for grinding.

This grinder has unique applications specifically for making knives, which is why I have chosen to make one. 

I have been putting the final touches on it all day today. I screwed rthe front plate to the grinder, attached the electric motor and wired in a switch and power chord


  1. That looks like a very cool machine!

  2. How exciting!!!...such a cool project!

  3. What did you learn today? What is the first trial for the grinder? The grinder needs a bit more work. Done tomorrow?

  4. Stu - looks cool. My ex Proctor advisee is Zach Springer & his Facebook page is under Daisy Creek Forge - unfortunately in Colorado. But he could be a good resource for knife making!

  5. How about an update. What is new?
